Gendered Objects

The scene is a dinner party. A table of eight eager guests await their glistening portion of carved meat. They’ve been invited for a delectable evening of food and conversation and now the  pièce de résistance, Mrs. X’s pork loin is paraded through the swinging kitchen door...


Subject:Object Relationship

Althusser conceives of society as an interconnected collection of wholes where ideological entities or Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA’s) influence the actions of the population. These ISA’s are not to be confused with repressive state powers, which use force and violence to entreat...


Why don't we design Our waste?

Why do we reject the notion of waste as ours? Why do we seem to  deny that it as a trace of who we are, what we do, and where we live. Waste is something woefully undesigned which is at best “managed” but not curated or crafted...